We feature a low $.99 Shipping Charge on all USA Orders!
Thank you very much for your business.
Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to improve your shopping experience with us.
Our contact information
By email: admin@anykindbattery.com
By standard mail:
Manabe & Associates LLC
dba www.anykindbattery.com
98-1277 Kaahumanu St #303
Aiea HI 96701
admin@anykindbattery.comShipping Information:
We ship most orders within 24 hours (business days), as we appreciate your business and strive for fast and accurate service. If we are not able to fulfill this timeframe, we will contact you and let you know.
Refund, Returns and Cancellation Policies:
We want you to be satisfied with your purchase. We will be happy to accept any unopened batteries within 30 days of purchase. Shipping charges are not refundable.